Religion, Inc.

Do we not feel it? These are the 'final times' that we have been reading about and awaiting for centuries. A final battle looms...

Belief in something is necessary in these times; and yet many flail and flaunt and flounder -conscripted into commercial mindsets; pathologies of ignorance and fear.
A profound and consumptive doubt...

As always, Others See(k) Truth...

Many now believe that Jesus walks among us; others of course believe that manifestations of His Spirit have always been among us. Thus, battling or transcending doubt, many ask: 'Where is He?', 'How will He appear to the World this time?'

As politicized or institutional religion would have, we are mired in schisms. 'Crusades', 'clashes', 'religious war' whip about many a worried if superficially complacent conscience.

And yet, seeking Unity within our faiths -we find much to embrace. We find Him. Indeed, Christians are awaiting His return. Islam as well is waiting for Him to return. Can we thus speak of 'we'?
'We' adore and embellish His icon; 'We' consider such to be blasphemy...

Indeed, Christian faith remains elusive in the west. Certainly, throughout Europe we vacillate between a demode Christianity while lauding something along the lines of a commercialized Jesus gluttony. Behold a 'commodified renewal movement': the Da Vinci Code, the rehabiliation and publication of the Gospel of Judas. Lest we not forget our 'Jesus is my Homeboy' t-shirts -by now emblematic of kitsch....

Indeed -where- who is He?
Or rather, as so many are clamoring to know through remembrance -Was it not they, did they not come in twos?

If Christian faith fails so many, is it not because we have not heard, or spoken the true Word of the Jesus movement... one returns to the notion of schism, division, commodification....

Whether perceived as 'reality' or morning news, we are living a fevered pitch of earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, volcanoes, global warming... Nature riots, asserts Her transcendent power. Meanwhile, wars, famine, riots in Paris, Brazil; urban seams split, the crowds are screaming for...

The stage is set.

It was said,"Many have been called, few will be chosen."

As we are each called to bear witness & testify, embracing Truth: Beware the ministers of error, the clutter and canons of Religion, Inc.

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